Finally, Queensland’s beloved Ekka show is back, bridging the gap between the city and the country. This iconic show began in 1876 and is brimming with traditions, a unique atmosphere and childhood memories passed down through generations of families for everyone to enjoy. The fond nickname ‘Ekka’ was extracted from ‘Exhibition’ in the Queensland vocabulary, revealing how intrinsically popular the … Read More
The Ultimate Guide to Darwin Show Showbags
The royal Darwin show is a significant fundraising event for 1000s of volunteers and local community groups and clubs each year. This year will be the 71st Annual Royal Darwin show, the first dating back to 1951. The show is held at the permanent showground at Darwin Showgrounds, Tate Place, Winnellie NT 0820. The show is an opportunity for the … Read More
Royal Darwin Show
The Royal Darwin Show has been around since 1951. They are held at the Darwin Showgrounds, Tate Place, Winnellie NT 0820. This year we are celebrating the 69th Royal Darwin show. The show is run by the Royal agricultural society of the northern territory and is the popular showcase of quality farming and production in the state. Over 20,000 people … Read More