8 Easy and Profitable Christmas Fundraising Ideas

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It’s that time of year again! The Christmas fundraiser season is fast approaching, and we bet you’re wondering what you can do to help. But don’t slave away in the kitchen for hours or spend forever thinking of a new idea, why not use showbags to raise money for your child’s school or favourite charity? We have collated the best selection of fun ideas to get you started. 

1. Showbags! 

 Whether you have a stall setup or want to sell them individually, why not sell our showbags at wholesale prices? Don’t worry; the Royal Show isn’t over yet! If kids have missed out on their showbags (or eaten theirs already!). Novelty, confectionary or plush toys will all be winners-take your pick! 

2. Colouring Competitions

What could be better for kids as Christmas approaches than a colouring competition? There are endless stencils?? Online to use, and with a gold donation for participation, it’s a quick and easy fundraiser. The finished artwork also will make the perfect Christmas present! Download our colouring page here!

3. Try a lucky dip!

Another great idea for fundraising around the holidays is a lucky dip! The great thing about a lucky dip is everyone gets a prize. All you need is a gold coin donation and everyone’s a winner! Plus, it’s very low cost if everyone donates a small prize! 

4. Go Fish!

This is a classic game that is well worth the effort! All you need to do is wrap miscelanuous presents (newspaper is fine) and add a bow or something a hook can grab onto. Then, the kids get given small fishing rods, and they can keep whatever they catch! This could also be a gold coin donation and prizes could be as large or as small as you wish (think books, stationery etc)

5. Guess how many lollies in the jar! 

This idea is classic for a reason. A gold coin donation equals one guess! Another variation could be ‘how much does the class pet weigh?’ or ‘how many green lollies are in the jar?’ It’s easy to engage everyone with minimal effort from either party! This also could be run over several weeks and create some suspense before reveal the winner/s! You could also get the students to come up with a fitting prize!

6. Raffle

Another classic fundraiser! There is no better time for a raffle than Christmas time! To avoid high costs, take the opportunity to ask local businesses to donate experiences/prizes and it can be a for them to get exposure! The key to a lucrative raffle is time-starting well in advance, this allows people to sell their tickets and get maximum profit while doing so.

7. Christmas Bake Sale

Bake sales sometimes get a bad rap, but they can be very profitable! A Christmas bake sale is a great way to raise funds, but don’t worry, there is no need to spend hours upon hours in the kitchen for them. Less time-consuming recipes include hot chocolate on a spoon, chocolate bark or Christmas cookies will be a guaranteed hit without all the labour! 

8. Toy Drive

While Christmas time is a joyous occasion for many Australians, some families struggle the most during this time. Finding ways to give back doesn’t need to be a major commitment or expense. Warm and fuzzies come in many different shapes, sizes and forms. To help, why not organise a toy drive for a local charity supporting families? This is an excellent opportunity for communities could come together and donate all their new or good condition toys, books, games or even clothes to help people in need this Christmas. 

And that’s a wrap! We hope this post has inspired you to get out there and start fundraising for your chosen cause. Christmas is the perfect time to give back, and what better way to fundraise than by giving people affordable gifts that they will love? Browse our wide range of showbags that can help you raise money for your chosen charity or organisation. Browse our wide range of showbags here! Happy fundraising!

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